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Old 06-18-2011, 10:50 AM   #55 (permalink)
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The beginning which sees the Dursleys departing forever, is a big chunk of Harry Potter because without realising it, I became attatched to them just like Harry did subconsciously. They were the ones that have been with us throughout all the books, and immediately we are leaving them forever. I then think that the story of the 7 Potter's is just fantastically clever and JK Rowling consistantly gives me more reason to respect her. It is brilliant and action packed and from the word go, kept me hooked.
I then went on to find that I'd become emotionally attatched to the Weasley's, because at the wedding when Harry is amongst friends and what he would call family, they it will be the last time and it is sad but friendship is conceived throughout this and shines through beautifully. When he leaves to go on his journey, friendship is entailed again throughout, and it is just magical and you can appreciate Harry's hardwork because all throughout the books JK Rowling has managed to link everything which is why this book is THE most inspiring.
I also really enjoyed meeting Aberforth Dumbledore. I think it is brilliant how it is linked into the book and brings a sense of realism to the book. It is so realistic you wouldn't believe. It also gives Harry and friends a link to Hogwarts castle which is where the action really begins.
The battle of Hogwarts is thrilling and exciting, it entails heartbreak and fighting and love and suspense. It brings all the characters together, fighting, and gives you a last chance as a fan to appreciate the characters all together.
The use of the resurrection stone bringing Harry's most loved ones back is beautiful and sad and I really appreciated that part.
My favourite bit was the meeting with Dumbledore in King's Cross. (If they don't include this in the film I will be gutted.) It gave a finality to Dumbledore, and answered everything Harry and fans needed to know. It was crystal clear in my imagination and just beautiful.
I love Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I love Dumbledore. I love Sirius Black.
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