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Old 06-03-2011, 10:36 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 50

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Shrike Malfoy
Seventh Year

Originally Posted by Ruby85 View Post
-comes running in, panting-

Bloody Hell, I sprinting to keep up with you!



'bout time!

PAMS! But more slowly please!
Hi Ruby85,

Neville and Luna are two of my favourites - Neville appears even more later on..

Sorry about the speed this one's coming out but i'm on a roll. Been working on this one for a few weeks before plucking up the courage to actually post it on-line - ekkk - I think you're right - I'd better slow down a little and add to the suspense? ....

There's plenty more to come - I hope you like this soo far??


Chapter six

That following week was almost incident free until Friday. Zabini still took every opportunity to rib Draco about the letters from home. Which seemed to arrive more frequently and still with no hint of whether they were safe, but Draco thought, whilst his mother wrote to him she must still be unharmed. At the end of each letter his father had added a comment and signed his name, their way of proving to their only son that they were still safe and well.

The first lesson of the morning was Ancient Runes; he had enjoyed this lesson the previous year, but had earned detention when he’d failed to hand in homework on several occasions – too busy with the task given to him by his master to complete it. He kept his head down, determined to not draw attention to himself.

And the second lesson of the morning was double transfiguration again. Draco turned up on time but McGonagall had found a reason to take more house points from him. He glared at her for the rest of the lesson whilst copying down notes from the blackboard.

At the end of the lesson McGonagall handed out homework assignments and told them to complete it by the next lesson. She hung around by his desk as she dropped the notes onto it. “…. And Mr Malfoy, I do expect this assignment to be completed, I don’t expect a repeat of last year.” She told him with a knowing glare.

Draco took the notes off his desk and stuffed them into his bag, which he slung over his back and stalked out of the room. Crabbe, Goyle and Nott followed him. They went to the great hall for lunch and out into the grounds, that afternoon it was their free periods.

Ahead of them stood a small group of Gryffindor first years – they looked up in terror at the seventh years – half of them turned and ran. Four remained rooted to the spot in terror. Crabbe, Goyle and Nott laughed and advanced. Draco hung back – trying to control his anger at McGonagall, Zabini and the others. The others drew their wands and pointed them at the frightened first years.

Goyle turned round to Draco, “What you waiting for?” they shouted at him, “let’s have some fun”.

Hesitantly Draco walked forward – level with them. He looked around checking they were not being watched – he smiled. There were no teachers in sight – Draco’s anger boiled away in his chest and buoyed by the lack of witnesses - he drew his wand with a flourish.

They all pointed their wands at the first years and began to fire curses at them. The first years yelled out as a mix of curses hit them, boils and puss exploded from their faces. Laughing, the Slytherins lifted the first years into the air. They spun them around and round. Their victims yelled and screamed, begging to be let go.

Crabbe and Goyle spun theirs faster and faster before finally letting them go. They both landed heavily on the ground – both screaming, one holding onto his arm as he rolled around on the floor in pain. Their tormentors laughed at their helpless victims. Draco and Nott’s victims still in the air, they too dropped the first years to the floor, they landed on their sides and tried dizzily to get back to their feet.

Crabbe and Goyle laughed out loud and turned to go. Draco and Nott followed them, the former looking back at the first years that still rolled on the floor. He smiled, putting his wand back into his robes and continued off into the grounds.

Draco ran his fingers along the engraved names in the old beech tree’s bark. They had engraved their names here in the first term – below their own father’s names and next to the names of other boys who had sat under the beech tree in their time at the school. He looked at one set of names and laughed “Messrs Wormtail, Mooney, Padfoot, and Prongs-” he told the others, “–what sort of names were they?”

The other three boys laughed the names. Draco dropped his school bag to the floor and joined the others in the shade of the large tree, the early winter sunshine shone through the tree and onto their parchment, giving it a mottled effect. Dark Art’s books were scattered around their feet as they worked on their homework. They lit small fires to guard against the cold as they worked.

Draco looked across to Crabbe, Goyle and Nott. He had never seen them so excited over a class, their quills worked feverishly. He looked down at his notes and smiled. Their Dark Arts assignment was a 24-inch parchment on the uses of unforgivable curses. Draco wrote quickly, remembering the lessons with his aunt, putting captured mudblood’s under the imperious curse at the mansion during his training. His smile died as he remembered being forced to torture Rowe during the summer. And the terror he had felt when the Dark Lord finally killed Rowe. The sight of the dead man’s body lying on its back. His blank, dead eyes stared up at the ceiling.

They sat there in silence the only sounds coming from the wind blowing through the trees, the light rush of water in the distance and the scratching of quill on parchment. Crabbe and Goyle wrote quickly – they had enthused about this essay since it was given out. The rest of the class had read the title in horror of course.

By the end of the second free period other students descended onto the grounds. There was a yell and a scream off in the distance and a lot of shouting. This drew the boys attention – they put down their parchment and quills for a moment. The noise was coming from where they had left the first years.

There was a loud bellow. “MALFOY!!” Draco turned and saw the oaf Hagrid, Professor’s McGonagall, Flitwick and Slughorn walking purposefully towards them. They hastily put their things away and stood. Draco lent against the tree, as he watched the teachers striding over, a disinterested look on his face. He yawned and put a scowl on his face as the teachers stepped up to where they stood.

McGonagall’s face was screwed up into a scowl too, Flitwick and Hagrid looked furious, Slughorn incredulous. “Explain yourself.” She demanded.

Draco matched her expression. “We’re doing our homework, Professor.” He said putting a snare into the last word. The other boys laughed.

“And does that homework involve torturing first years Mr Malfoy?” She demanded. A small knot of students nearby had stopped and watched the scene unfold.

“I don’t take your meaning professor.” Draco said folding his arms. The others laughed again and murmured something about dark arts homework and flying mudblood’s. Draco turned to them and gave them a warning look. They ignored him and still sniggered.

“Transfiguration is still not allowed as punishment Mr Malfoy." She seemed to increase in height for a moment. "But soon…”

Draco felt his guts contract.

“You four were SEEN torturing those poor students.” McGonagall said continuing, she pointed her finger at Draco and the others, her hand shaking.

“By whom?” Draco demanded.

They didn’t answer him. He glanced around at the others. Crabbe and Goyle grinned, Nott on the other hand looked petrified.

“They have been sent up to the hospital wing.” Flitwick said. "They’ll be away from lessons for at least a week!”

“Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Nott I’m disappointed in you all, very disappointed.” Slughorn said. “I’ve never been so ashamed of Slytherin House students in my entire career.”

Draco glared at the professor curling his lip into a sneer. How he loathed the old goat. The other Slytherin’s laughed heartily. Draco gave them a warning glance. He had avoided those Professors’s so far and now – Draco felt his stomach churning – he had a bad feeling about this.

“You four will serve a week’s detention each-“ she glanced at Draco with a hard look “-and Professor Snape won’t interfere this time Mr Malfoy!” McGonagall said peering down her nose at him – even though he now towered over her. He glared at her, not even trying to conceal his loathing of her.

“No indeed this is a Slytherin House matter,” Slughorn said as he turned to the four boys, ” detentions can be character forming.” He told them with a sharp look.

He turned to Professor McGonagall. “I will let you deal with these four however you see fit. Minerva.” Slughorn said. “The victims are from your house after all.”

“Thank you Horace.” She said to the other Professor. “Now let me see, Mr Nott will go with Professor Hagrid…”

Hagrid smiled, reached over and grabbed Nott’s shirt collar. “Come on Nott!” he said, and dragged him off. Nott struggled as Hagrid took him off towards the forbidden forest. “I ‘ave the ideal job fer yer. M’ Thestrals need feeding.” He was saying to Nott as he dragged him off. Nott yelled in protest, struggling against the half-giants firm grip.

“…. Mr Crabbe with Professor Flitwick, Mr Goyle will serve detention with you Professor Slughorn…” McGonagall continued, Crabbe and Goyle protested as they too were led off.

Draco turned to McGonagall and for a heart stopping moment Snape’s warning from the first day of term rang in his ears.

“….And you Mr Malfoy-“ she paused and looked down her nose at him through her spectacles. She held her hand out “-will give me your wand and come with me.”

Draco stood still and turned his attention to his friends as the other Professor’s began to walk back up to the castle and Hagrid towards the forbidden forest. Nott being dragged and Crabbe and Goyle following the other professors - protesting. He watched their departure for a heartbeat and turned back to Professor McGonagall and her outstretched hand.

All of a sudden he felt very alone, naked without his friends backing him up. He felt very hot and uncomfortable under her gaze. He fought against the panic and fear clawing at his chest.

McGonagall waited. “Mr Malfoy, your wand, NOW!” She said at last, “I will take it by force.” She continued with a crooked smile.

Draco looked around him; curious faces stared at him from all around. He raised a shaking hand to his robes and took out his hawthorn wand, he wasn’t foolish enough to try and fight her. Not here. He held his wand out, handle first and McGonagall took it.

She slid the wand into her robes “Now Mr Malfoy. Pick up your bag and follow me.” She spun and began to walk quickly back into the castle. Draco grabbed his bag from the ground and trudged on after her.

As they walked through the main entrance and on to the transfiguration corridor they passed stunned faces. Draco didn’t look up at them – his face burned – he meekly followed behind her – feeling thoroughly retched and wondering what she had in store for him.

He trudged on – his heart hammering in his ears. He had to half jog at times to keep up with her. McGonagall led him to her classroom. She held the door open and beckoned him inside. He walked in fearfully and heard the door lock behind him. He spun and looked at McGonagall – trying not to display on his face the fear he was feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was he after all who had let the Death Eater’s in – he was there when Dumbledore was killed – it was hardly a secret – rumour of what happened had been around the school for weeks.

He unconsciously went for his wand, his hand reached his empty pocket and he remembered that it had already been taken from him. He gulped and tried not to panic.

A deep dread fell over him – Potter was a favourite of hers and she was especially close to Dumbledore - and here he was alone with her. He gulped again wanting fresh air – she was a skilled witch – what chance did he have really? He backed away from her as she approached him.

She walked straight past him and towards her desk. She sat down at the desk behind reams of parchment. "Sit down, Mr Malfoy." She told him, studying him through her glasses.

Draco crept cautiously to his usual desk; McGonagall peered at him over her half-moon spectacles. "No, Malfoy – there…." she pointed at a desk facing her own.”…. Where I can keep an eye on you."

She took out her wand. Draco flinched. She flicked the wand and a long roll of parchment and a quill materialised on the desk she had indicated.

Cautious and uneasy he walked over to the desk and sat down. He dropped his school bag on the neighbouring chair. He looked up at her expectantly.

"You will do lines for me Mr Malfoy." She told him, turning to the piles of parchment on her desk and taking the quill from its inkpot. She took hold of a piece of parchment from the pile and began to scratch her quill on it, marking some student’s work, "I will expect the entire parchment to be used up before you leave.”

Stunned, but relieved Draco nodded. "What will you have me write?” he asked her trying to keep the fear out of his voice – willing his swiftly beating heart to slow down. Finally she looked up at him over her spectacles.

" ‘I will not bully or torture my fellow students and I must respect my teachers’, should do for starters.” She told him.

Draco picked the quill out of the ink well and rolled the parchment open – he groaned – the parchment rolled off over the desk and under the professors. It must have to be over 12 feet long – he pulled the parchment back onto the desk, a pile of it falling around his feet and not looking up at the professor he began to write.

Hours later he had finally reached the end of the long parchment. His wrist hurt from all that writing. He shook his arm – trying to shake some feeling back into it. His stomach growled at him – he’d not eaten since that lunchtime. He looked up at McGonagall who was still busy marking homework, reached into his bag and pulled out a green apple. He held it in his left hand and bit into it; he chewed and savoured it as it fought his hunger. He turned to the parchment and continued to write.

His eyes ached, he looked up at the clock – it was just after midnight. He put the quill back into the ink well and looked up at the professor. "I have finished professor.” he said wearily, rubbing his eyes. They itched with fatigue.

McGonagall rose and walked around the desk, standing behind him. Draco could feel her eyes boring into the back of his head. "Really? Mr Malfoy?” She said picking up the parchment and looking over it. “This parchment is blank.”

Draco started; he swiftly rose to his feet and snatched the parchment from the professor. He looked at it in confusion, it was indeed empty. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IT?” Draco demanded angrily glaring into her passive face.

He went to pull out his wand from his robes, but it wasn’t there. “You’ve given me invisible ink haven’t you!” forgetting himself and giving into the anger and panic mounting in him.

"YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME IN THAT WAY, MR MALFOY!” she yelled raising herself up to her full height. He stepped back from her, cowering and waiting for her to draw her wand.

"You will come back here tomorrow evening and do what I asked – DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” she shouted at him. Draco looked down at her; he shook with anger and frustration. Dis-armed as he was – he wanted nothing more at that moment than to draw his wand and strike her down.

"Yes, certainly, professor. " he growled instead.

“Good.” She said evenly. “I will see you in here at seven tomorrow evening and I will be keeping your wand for now, Mr Malfoy – you can collect it from me on Monday morning.”

He grabbed his school bag from the desk and stalked angrily out of the classroom.

The following evening at seven o’clock sharp Draco turned up at McGonagall’s classroom. He sheepishly knocked on the door. “Enter.” Came her voice.

Draco walked into her room. His heart hammering. He had spent the whole day waiting for this. He had kept away from the others and hid in the dormitories completing his homework in silence. Nott had wanted him to come up to the common room but he had declined. Zabini had been there; he couldn’t risk the other trying something whilst he was un-armed. Even breakfast, lunch and supper had passed with Draco keeping quiet and avoiding the others. When his owl arrived he had taken the letter and stuffed it into his pocket – not even reading it.

He had of course read the letter later, his mother spoke of mundane things, and she sent him love from her and his father. Draco has relieved as he read the letter – they were both still alive.

He sat down at the desk in front of McGonagall, the long parchment and a quill was set out for him again. He picked up the quill. “What will you have me write?” he asked quietly resolved to hours of pointless writing.

McGonagall rose from her chair, picked up a dog-eared book and walked over to Draco’s desk. She dropped the tome onto the desk. The dust of ages rose from the book and into Draco’s face. He coughed and fanned the dust from his face. He looked up at her.

“You will copy out this book, Mr Malfoy.” She said returning to her desk.

Draco looked down at the cover and read the title to himself. ‘Wizard Trials and the Wizard War, by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore’ - He groaned and picked up the book. On the front cover a younger looking Dumbledore looked up – he looked up at Draco with his sad eyes. Swallowing back the uneasiness he felt, Draco opened the book at the first page. He swallowed, aware of McGonagall’s eyes on him. He turned to the chapter list page – there on chapter ten was ‘Death eater Trials’. He turned to the first chapter and began to write.

Hours later, he had managed to finish the first two chapters. The parchment still half completed. He shook his arm - the feeling there gone again.

McGonagall looked up at her clock and over to him. “It is late, you may go now.” She said. “I will expect you back here tomorrow evening at seven.” She said.

Draco dropped the quill back into the ink well and stood. He closed the book and turned to leave.

“Mr Malfoy.” She said looking up from her marking.

“Yes, professor?” Draco said quietly, too exhausted to even sneer at her.

“You will continue to come here for detention until that book is finished.” She told him.

“Yes, professor.” He said simply and walked slowly out of her class and out into the transfiguration corridor. It was well after midnight. He trudged back to the Slytherin common room and dormitories. Once there he walked into silence. All the others were in bed as he walked down to his room. Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Zabini were asleep. He quietly undressed and put on his pyjamas. He was asleep the instant his head hit the pillow.

The Dark Lord looked at him bemused. “You are my servant, Draco Malfoy, you will do as I say,” he said slowly.

Draco gulped. His wand hand shook. Fear gripped him – he looked around the room. The other Death Eaters sneered at him; he glanced at his father who nodded weakly at him….

He straightened. “Crucio.” He said, weakly. The curse not strong enough.

The Dark Lord looked at Draco passively and suddenly drew his wand and pointed it at him…”CRUCIO!!” he yelled. The curse hit Draco with such power that he fell to the floor, his wand falling from his hand and scattering across the floor and away from him.

He screamed in pain, his head feeling as though it would explode…

“NO…!” Draco shouted. He awake suddenly, sitting up in this bed and panting into the darkness, sweat bled down his face and the image of the Dark Lords face fading. He’d awaken the others and they too sat up and they glared at him in the darkness.

“Draco?” Nott said. “What is it?”

“Nothing!” Draco said and turned away from them. ‘Nothing’ he thought his mind racing – he lay there for the rest of the night willing sleep to come – but the Dark Mark burnt on his arm. He bit his tongue. Willing the dream and the pain to go. Sleep didn’t come.

The following day Draco had kept to the dormitories again, he only appeared at breakfast and supper. Again he went to Professor McGonagall’s office for the detention. He had remained silent – the dream still haunting him. ‘But it’s not a dream.’ he thought.


Last edited by ShrikeMalfoy; 06-03-2011 at 10:44 PM. Reason: Additional comments
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