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Old 05-31-2010, 12:52 PM   #4 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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My turn! You don't have to watch anymore Connie!


Alicia rolled over at hit the alarm clock. Looking up, she glanced at the luminous numbers. Seven o’clock… Hermione was still asleep. Emily’s bed was vacant though.

Must be running again…’ Alicia thought, sighing and getting dressed. ‘America should be back by now… I think I’ll send that letter home now- the owlery should be empty’ Alicia snuck out the room and through the corridors, looking round in case she saw Emily anywhere. As she climbed the owlery stairs, she noticed the door at the top was ajar. Pushing it open and walking in, she regretted it immediately.

Malfoy…” She said quietly, sticking to the wall as she scanned the rafters for her snowy owl. Trying not to draw attention to herself, she waved the owl down and tied the scroll to her leg. “Try not to let him see you…” She whispered to the owl. America hooted and took off. Alicia ducked behind the pillar in case he heard the noise. Breathing deeply, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Peering round her hiding place, she watched as Jamie walked into the room. She smiled and waved. He returned it, not noticing the boy standing by the windows.

Good morning!” Jamie said cheerfully as Alicia bounded towards him, her emerald curls bouncing round her shoulders. “Can I borrow America?

Nope… She just left with my letter” She said, grinning as his face fell into mock misery. “There’s always Hedwig?” He smiled as she kissed his cheek and the owl flew down onto her shoulder.

The weather’s lovely today… Fancy a walk?” He said, grabbing her hand and leading her out the door. Alicia glanced over her shoulder to make sure that Malfoy hadn’t heard them. She wasn’t sure as his back was to them.

Sure… Why not? We might see Emily- she’s gone for a morning run…” She added, answering his unsaid question. The two made their way towards the lake, taking the long way, round the greenhouses, laughing and joking.


Your turn, Emily!


Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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