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Old 07-06-2009, 02:40 AM
PhoenixRising PhoenixRising is online now
Default The High Benches of Courtroom 10

As numerous wizards and witches are expected to attend the debates between Reagan Taylor and Brennan Cooper, arrangements have been made for the debates to be held down in Courtroom Ten, the largest one. After taking the stairs from Level Nine to this, you reach dingy looking corridors that lead to some heavy, dark granite doors which have been kindly left propped wide open encouraging people to enter.

It is within these doors that you notice how very lightened the courtrooms appear compared to preconceived notions. Clearly someone must have used a charm to brighten the room for the occasion of the debates. The room is outlined in rows of high benches, overlooking a podium with a microphone, and about ten chairs in the middle.

Take your seats quickly . . . the debates are about to begin!