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Old 07-22-2008, 07:47 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Posts: 389

Chapter 2

The next evening, Raven stood outside the Great Hall waiting to be sorted with the other first years. However, before she arrived, she was given instructions not to go in with them but wait until she was called. She stood a little farther away from them, not only to observe their nervous movements and uneasy smiles, but didn‘t want to stand out considering how much taller she was than them.

The first years were soon lined up, and then ushered inside. There was long, creepy silence in the castle around her. She took a moment to look at her surroundings. It was a beautiful castle, just as her father had said. The dim lights and the stone walls reminded her of stories she read as a child. Her father read her stories of princesses trapped in castles by trolls and a brave prince coming to her rescue. She wished, at that moment, her prince would come because she did not want to be there.

It wasn’t that she hated Hogwarts. It was the fact that she was forced to do something that she didn’t have to do. Her uncle deemed it necessary because of a certain murderer that escaped from Azkaban prison named Sirius Black. Her uncle felt that she would be safer behind the walls of Hogwarts Castle instead of his defenseless home. For most of the summer, she fought with her uncle and nearly drove him mad with her arguments. In the end, he won and part of her hated him for it.

Raven walked over to the Great Hall doors and listened. She could hear the cheers of students when the sorter called their house. When it was explained to her how she would be sorted, she stopped paying attention after, “you will get up in front of the school.” As far as how she was going to be sorted, she had no idea.

Once the cheers subsided, she heard a voice say, “We have one more student to sort. She is a new student to us at Hogwarts and will be starting as a third year.”

Suddenly, the doors to the Great Hall opened again. Raven walked up to the edge of the doorway and started to feel the butterflies swirl around her stomach.

The voice called out, “Raven Snape, please come forward.”

Raven closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Walking through the hall, she could hear the many whispers about her identity. She knew many of the students did not like her uncle. If only they knew, she had more in common with them than what they think. She looked off to the right and saw Ron, then spotted George and Fred a little further down the row. She gave them all brief smiles but continued walking toward the front of the room.

As she neared the stage, she spotted her uncle. Her straight face, and glaring eyes were only for him. She never took her eyes off him until she sat down on the stool on the stage. When she looked out to the crowd of students, she lightened her face, only a little, and waited what was next.

Suddenly, a hat was put upon her head. Raven looked up with her eyes but could only see the brim. From what she could tell, the thing was ugly. Then it started to speak.

“Not a clear cut choice for this one. A very difficult choice. You possess all the characteristics for Slytherin, yet I see all of the qualities for Gryffindor. There is great power in this mind. I guess there is no other choice: GRYFFINDOR!”

There was an eruption of cheers from the Gryffindor table. The hat was removed, and then Raven stood up and joined her house table. When she sat down, she looked back at her uncle who seemed more than displeased by her house placement. She returned with a menacing grin then turned to look at the congratulating house mates. Raven then looked further down the table and couldn’t find Harry or Hermione, but located Ron and the twins, gave them all a smile then a little wave.

After the feast, Raven rushed over to where Ron was seated. By that time, Harry and Hermione were there. They were all very excited to see Raven at the Gryffindor table. All of them made their way to the Gryffindor common room, where all of them spoke briefly before going to bed.

“So, you’re related to Snape?” asked Ron.

“I was wondering when someone was going to ask.” Raven smiled. “Unfortunately, I am.”

“Don’t like him much?” asked Harry.

“We are just two people on opposite ends of the earth. Maybe we haven’t got used to each other yet or maybe he’s just a jerk and will always be that way.”

“Bet he doesn’t like you being in Gryffindor,” said Ron.

“It’s killing him! He wants me in Slytherin to keep a better eye on me. I had different plans.”

“Don’t tell me you manipulated the Sorting Hat!” Hermione seemed like she was going to choke.

“No,” Raven gave her friends an awkwardly innocent smile. “I didn’t ‘manipulate’ the Sorting Hat. I know I belong in Gryffindor. I have heart where the Slytherin crowd isn’t known for their kindness, if you know what I mean. I just had to make the hat see that, although I may possess Slytherin-like qualities, my ability for love separates me from them.”

Hermione looked at Harry and Ron appalled. “Although I see your point about Slytherin, the rest of that just doesn’t sit well with me.”

“I know it sounds bad, but I didn’t lie or anything. I just wanted the hat to get past the Slytherin qualities and see that I possess more of the Gryffindor. I know I am nothing like them!”

Hermione still didn’t look comforted by what Raven had said. Harry and Ron seemed the most reassured.

“Well, I’m happy you’re in Gryffindor, however you got in here.” Ron smiled at Raven.

By looking at Ron and Harry, Raven knew they were fine with what had transpired during the sorting. Raven certainly wanted Hermione to accept her into Gryffindor but more importantly, as a friend.

“Hermione, c’mon,” Harry said. “Can you honestly say that you think she belongs with people like Malfoy? Can you honestly say that she’s a true Slytherin?”

Hermione stared at Raven pondering what her friend said. Raven could see Hermione struggling.

“Okay, fine.” Hermione looked as if this was such a struggle for her to say. “You don’t strike me as the Slytherin type. You didn’t lie, although you did cheat a little. Welcome to Gryffindor, Raven. Let me show you to the common room.”

Raven put her hand on Hermione’s shoulder and thanked her. She then thanked Ron and Harry. On their way to the staircase, Raven noticed one of the twins eyeing her again.

“Hang on a quick moment, Hermione.” Raven walked over to the twin, who quickly looked away trying not to be caught. “Hi.”

“Oh, hello.” He pretended to be surprised when he saw her standing there.

Raven couldn’t help but smile. She looked at his twin and another boy who seemed very curious about the pending conversation. “Which one are you? I mean, what’s your name?”

He didn’t say anything. He looked dumbstruck.

“George,” said the other twin noticing his brother’s nervousness. “His name is George, mine’s Fred and this is Lee, our best mate. So, you’re related to Snape. How did you manage that?”

Raven smiled but never took her eyes off George. “The planets were out of whack that day. I tried to line them back up, but the Snape curse had already set in.”
Raven managed to get a smile out of George. He looked up at her, but still seemed a little nervous. “Yeah, I’m George. Welcome to Gryffindor.”

Raven could tell he wasn’t feeling comfortable in the situation. She felt it was time to end his suffering. ‘It’s nice to meet you, George. Same to you, Fred and Lee. Well, I’m off. See you all in morning.”

Raven turned and walked toward Hermione. Before she went up the stairs, she turned back to George, who was now looking at her. She smiled at him one more time before heading into the girl’s dormitory.

The next morning at breakfast, Raven plopped down next to Harry, Ron and Hermione. She had a look of disgust and fatigue on her face.

“Is there any particular reason we can’t sleep in for just one more hour?” she asked. “It’s not like we have anywhere else to go.”

“Not used to getting up early?” asked Ron.

“My goodness, no,” she replied with a yawn.

Raven glanced at George who was sitting near the group. His disposition changed from chipper to nervous.

“Good morning, George,” Raven said, trying to get George to be less shy around her.

“Morning,” said George nervously, looking down at the table.

Raven looked around the Great Hall and happened to glance upon a familiar face. He was not one that she was hoping to see, but knew running into him would be inevitable.

“Is that Draco Malfoy?” Raven asked.

“You know him?” asked Harry.

“Yeah,” she said looking back at her friends. “I heard you mention the name Malfoy last night but I really wasn’t paying attention to it. Let’s see, he would be a third year, too?”

“Same as all of us. How do you know him?” asked Ron.

“From a long time ago. When we were little. And that’s really as far as I want to go with this.” Raven wanted out of that room before Draco had a chance to talk to her. “Umm…okay. I guess I should be off. I need to try to figure out where my classes are. See you all later,” Raven said as she got up from the table.

She almost seemed disappointed, as she hoped George would say something else to her. The look of disappointment quickly changed. She placed her hand on George’s shoulder and leaned in close to his hear. “You don’t have to be so shy around me. It’s not like you to be bashful.”

Raven gave George a very encouraging smile. He looked at her surprised and his cheeks turned a bright pink. Once she left the Great Hall, everyone stared wide-eyed at George.

“You love her!” blurted out Ron.

“No I don’t,” George said, all of a sudden looking busy arranging cups and silverware on the table.

“You are so full of it,” exclaimed Fred. “All night last night and the night before, you would not shut up about her.”

“I just think she’s interesting,” said George really trying hard to defend himself. “And okay, so I think she’s pretty.”

“No, mate. Your exact words were ‘she’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen‘,” said Fred. Once again, all eyes were on George. Hermione could tell it was embarrassing to George the way his twin was carrying on.

“Thanks, Fred,” George said sarcastically.

“You know, Fred?“ said Hermione quite irritated. “At least all of this shows that one of you is capable of more than just pulling pranks!”

“I can do more than create joke items,” said Fred defensively.

“Getting into trouble every other day doesn‘t count!” snapped Hermione.

“Thanks, Hermione,” said George. “I know what you’re trying to do but you are forgetting one important detail. To get anywhere near her, like that, I have to get through Snape. I am not on his list of favorite people.”

“She doesn’t strike me as the type to get Snape’s permission for anything,” interjected Ron.

“True, but I just don’t see it happening, that’s all,” George looked disappointed. “We seem worlds apart from each other.”

Hermione clearly felt for the troubled twin. “George, don’t stop your chances with Raven before you have had a chance to start. It’s obvious she likes you and you like her. Give it a chance.”

Chapter 3
Because in every story, there's always another story to tell.

The Story You Haven't Heard - Sa16+

Thank you, Suzy!

Last edited by RavenSnape; 07-18-2009 at 12:02 AM.
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