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Old 11-26-2007, 10:50 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Ok, I was only putting off because I wanted to see if anyone else would post...
(EDIT: I do have the entire story done, so don't think I didn't wait because I was stuck on this chapter )
I kinda made a bet with myself as a result. I won

Anyways, update... Here it is. It's short but I enjoyed writing this one; as you'll tell it was the result of boredom, but yes, it is kind of needed for later on (lead-up and all). Enjoy.
I had a whole story written about one line I used in the end, but I think I might've told it... and either way no one would read it because it's so long

P.S: Oh yeah, for all you that read Everything I'm Not... sorry about taking forever to post the sequel Let Me Go; I want to get a few chapters ahead and I'm kind of stuck on the end of chapter 2/beginning of chapter 3 (and I want to get ahead). Same story with the Hogwarts School Musical, but I'm stuck in chapter 1, so I have a more legitimate reason for that one. They'll be up soon, I promise!

Chapter 10
Library Prison Escape

A few days later, on the weekend, I was in the library with Hermione, a wall of books stacked between us. I had spent the last hour doing homework and last-second projects, but Hermione refused to let me go beyond the library doors. She had shockingly good eye-sight, too.

I heard movement and I turned to my left. Coming up to the table was Harry and Ron, both attempting to be quiet. When they saw I was looking, they put a finger to their lips and motioned for me to turn my head as if I hadn’t noticed. As soon as I did, Hermione looked up and over the book wall. I looked in the direction she was, and saw nothing. I tried hard not to chuckle; I could see them hiding behind the book shelf, pretending to pull books off. I turned my head back and put it back down, getting back to work. Hermione did the same.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Harry and Ron on the floor, crawling in the way you would when you’re trying to stay low beneath barbed wire barely a foot above your head. I stifled a chuckle and kept working. Suddenly, I felt a tug on my ankle. I pretended to drop my pencil and bent down to pick it up. Under the large table was Harry.

“What are you doing?” I mouthed.

“Rescuing you,” he mouthed back. “Ron and I saw your escape attempts.”

“And this is better?”

Harry just shrugged.

“Be ready to run once you get around the corner.”

Harry nodded. I folded my papers and stuck them in a pocket. I then got up and started to go around the corner.

“Where’re you going?”

I looked over my shoulder and saw a suspicious Hermione.

“Going to find another book on...”

“Last time you said that you tried to run.”

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed a pile of books and said, “I’m getting another book, but I’m putting these away.”

“If I see that you’ve...”

“Ok.” I then walked around the corner, the books in my arms piled higher than my head. Suddenly, half the pile was taken, and I saw Ron’s face.

“Thanks,” I sighed as I put the books on the floor.

“No problem. But speaking of problems, what’s with Hermione?” Ron whispered.

“She’s insane!” I whispered back. “I tried to make a break for it, but...”

“She stopped you with the Summoning Charm. That was rather funny actually; Harry and I got in trouble for rolling around on the floor though. Ginny’s no fun when she’s on prefect duty.”

I smiled. I heard someone coming up behind me, and then I saw that Harry stood next to me.

“Ready to go?” he whispered. We nodded and walked away casually. As we left the protection of the bookshelves, I heard another pair of feet behind me.

“Get ready to run,” I whispered. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Hermione jump behind a bookshelf.

Harry, Ron and I got past the library shelf and heard Hermione call (quietly), “Where’re you going?”

“Oh, you know, there’s always something else that’s fun to do outside of the library,” Ron responded.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Hermione pull out her wand.

“GO! GO! GO!” I yelled.

Harry and Ron jumped into a run, and I caught up after dodging a spell.

“NO RUNNING IN THE LIBRARY! AND BE QUIET!” the librarian yelled. We laughed at her hypocrisy and managed to make it out of the library without being hit by a spell.



“IT’S ALWAYS GOOD TO STUDY!” Hermione called back frantically.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Hermione stopped once she was 10 feet from the library doors. She sent out one more spell, and I ducked just in time. Turning back, I saw I was headed into a head-on collision with the wall.

“Oh crap...” I muttered, unable to stop.

My body hit the wall full-force, and I flew backwards. My head hit the stone floor, and my surroundings began to dissolve into a disarray of black.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 11-26-2007 at 10:51 PM.
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