Thread: The Arena
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Old 10-28-2019, 09:44 AM   #28 (permalink)
Giselle Desmarais
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Posts: 29

Between the insolent young Slytherin and the Headmaster's words, Giselle was seeing red. They had come into their school, broken their things and were now demanding some form of justice???

As one then another piped up in agreement, the Headmistress found herself not in a corner but at her wit's end.

"Fine. F I N E." It was all she could do to maintain what she had left of her composure. "Inquizitorial 'all. One 'our from now. I'll 'ave an end to zhis one way or anozer." But this foolishness would not be allowed to continue any much longer.

"One 'our." She repeated before turning on her heels and all but stomping out of the arena.

All the hard work. Her beautiful ball. She would see to it that they paid for this.
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