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Old 10-02-2019, 12:04 PM   #12 (permalink)
Mathys de Nostredame
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 91
the sky is always there for me ☀ ☁ heavy hearts like heavy clouds

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Claudine had been right.

The kite would be as good as new. She was inwardly happy about this because it really had been a pretty object; a good one to sketch as part of her collection of her adventures as a first year. Outwardly, her face remained frozen in an unsmiling expression…

Which quickly changed to confusion.

“But I was honest enough to bring it here to get it fixed,’’ she began, her outrage very well hidden. It was something she had to master given the fact that she lived with so many family members and the younger ones were constantly annoying her. “I’m just a first year and I haven’t yet mastered the charm that fixes things. So I… I needed an adult’s help.’’ Even though this hadn’t been her only intent of coming here to get things mended. At least now she was sure of one thing: she was no longer fascinated by this man. He was just a huge, muscled, pompous human being. “Doesn’t that count for something?’’ Claudine asked, her hands gesturing helplessly before her; her dark eyes wide and pleading. “It wasn’t something I could have controlled.’’

Would it be too much if she added some crocodile tears?
"It does," he nodded calmly as he carefully set the damanged kite aside on one of the tables on his deck. "Zis is why I did not take away any of zose points from you and one detention can easily be done during one of your free periods." He paused for a moment, a few thoughts gracing his mind, before continuing. "I administair detentions to Beauxbaton students for zis as well, do not zink I am treating you unfairly because you are from Hogwarts."

He carefully folded his arms behind his back and looked down at the first year.

"Perhaps our time togethair will help remind you to begin with an apology ze next time somezing like zis happens." Because she had, in fact, not apologized for the damage and the opportunity to do so had passed.
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