Thread: Library
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Old 09-26-2019, 06:11 AM   #13 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default that would be ~us~
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Bernadette had wizard homework ALREADY. Even if the professors hadn't explicitly assigned everything, she still would have explored the library because DUH it was a LIBRARY. And books were ENCHANTED here and Bernadette LIKED BOOKS and parchment and quills and candles and and and

"Mmmmmmm," she inhaled as she walked into the library. Just get a whiff of this place!

She skipped in to find a good hiding spot table ALLLLLLL to herself. She dropped her bag on the table with a clatter, but no one was nearby to even HEAR it hehe, and then settled herself down too. Now, to study what the heck druids were in reference to Herbology?

Oh, haha. Now she was understanding why their first lesson was about herbs. Ya know, HERBology. HA. HERBOLOGY.
Wo0o0o0oWWWW. Is everything so fancy everywhere? Even the libraries, the most boring location in school, as deemed by his aunt, was a gorgeous nook in this castle.

Ilya's hair was regular blond today, which was boring but he was sure it'll make something funny sometime soon. He walked into the hall with his shoulder bag weighing down with four or five books. He had questions about transfiguration and he was going to give this a try and find out if he was, like, a super wizard. Maybe he just needed a trigger to unleash his true powers, y'know?? He's been thinking about this at length.

Bernie's hiding spot was not so sneaky because he found her. "Gernie!" That name suited her better. She was the perfect partner for this, to be honest, she was gullible and would help him with anything ~magical~. Ilya hurried over to her, struggling to keep his shoulder bag on his shoulder because wow did those book weigh like half his size. "I need your help. I'm embarking on a special project." He gave her the dramatic, IT IS A SECRET, wild look.
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