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Old 09-19-2019, 04:30 PM   #33 (permalink)
Dufftown Muggles
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1,024

Wind blew in his face and Tommy swore he heard horse noises. What was going on here?!

”Gimme---“ There was a tug on the hotdog from the other invisible end as if something was pulling on it. He was not giving up his hotdog without a fight! Tommy felt his feet sliding forward on the stones and then the sausage ripped in two and Tommy felt himself falling backwards.


And he landed in the fountain.

Little Emma had been watching the floating hotdog and the man with big brown eyes.
”Mamma……mamma….mamma….” she had been calling tugging on her mom’s sleeve. Her mom of course ignored her. ”Mamma….that man’s hotdog is floating…” Sleeve tug …

It wasn’t until the big splash in the fountain that her mother paid Little Emma any heed. Her mom took Little Emma by the hand and pulled her along to check on the man. ”Are you alright?” Mamma asked the man in the fountain.

Emma, meanwhile was trying to figure out what happened to the floating hotdog...


Across the square, having just left Charing Cross Road, Mr. Oppsokopolis, III, entered the square and stopped dead in his tracks. What in tarnation was going on?

The square was filled with big black, bat-winged Skelton horses. This was going a little far with the Halloween decorations wasn’t it?

He walked up to one and gave it a poke.

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