Thread: Rose Garden
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Old 09-12-2019, 09:25 AM   #24 (permalink)
Giselle Desmarais
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 29

Every time.



Giselle approached the others in the garden, well dressed as always and more recently scowling as always. About 75% of the time, it was because she happened to see what some of the Hogwarts Professors were wearing. Was there no occasion in which they made an effort? What was that Schmoe man? Who had dropped him on his head? Was it his mother? Was this who Giselle owled her therapy bills to?

Barlow, while not Schmoe, was hardly better.

It took a great deal of effort to force a smile onto her face as she continued her approach, her mind filled with the horrifying idea of any of these children PLUCKING her dear roses.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

He didn't. He didn't understand at all.

"I see." He did not see. Well, he saw some things, like the increasing number of people who were arriving, some dressed in everyday clothes, others looking more like they were dressed specifically for something. But what? Kaiser frowned slightly, trying very hard to remember if he'd seen or heard any announcements recently concerning the Rose Gar-...


Oh wait.

Oh no.

The yoga thing. That's what this was. Now that he thought about it, Kaiser distinctly remembered the notice, and thinking about how Nova would probably be all over something like this.

Kaiser was not Nova. He started backing away like he'd just stumbled upon a particularly angry snake. "You all... have fun." Without him, yes.
And then there was this one.

That smile she'd forced on somehow tightened until her very cheeks hurt. "You 'ave to look where you are going, mon cher. You'll bump into ozers if you keep zhis up." Tight voice too? .....No......hardly........definitely. Did no one from this school know how to do anything right?

Giselle eased the boy away from her before going to stand by her fellow staffer. "Mathys. Aesha." Her tone was not nearly as....ahem....pointed....when she greeted her own but her attention quickly returned to the Hogwartians.

"Remember!" She urged, doing her best to hide the minor panic. Where this lot was, trouble surely followed. "I know my roziz look très magnifique BUT you are not to pick zhem! Non! No picking! Zhere are charmz in place and if you try anyway," Because they were unruly, afterall, "You will 'ave dezerved everysing zhat happens after." It was more than fair warning. Any subsequent electrocutions would be on them. Her students knew better.
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