Thread: Quidditch World Cup: Food & Merchandise Stands
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Old 04-23-2019, 04:10 PM   #48 (permalink)
Jack Roller
nothing to see here
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Text Cut: SilverTiger
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Spain had been eliminated, and yet that hadn’t stopped Adriana from feeling the need to make an appearance at the final match. Nor did the fact she didn’t particularly care about Quidditch at all. Any event was a possible place where she could network, or, at the very least, show people what they were missing. Both in fashion and otherwise, although it wasn’t as if she was desperate. Adriana Dane was never desperate, or at least she’d never admit it. She never admitted to having any weaknesses at all.

Either way, dressed impeccably in an outfit of her own design, she wove her way through the crowds of people gathered around the food stands, not too concerned about if she was being polite or not, to investigate what else was being offered.

Of course, she hadn’t expected much, but upon raising up a garishly colored beanie in the colors of one country’s team or another in two fingers to eye level, she was underwhelmed.

Someone pushed past Jack who was busy looking around one of the stands. He had been waiting for the shopkeeper to become preoccupied so he could palm that solid gold snitch that was sitting a hand span away. ”You don’t look very impressed,” he stated in American accent. He picked up a hat covered in rhinestones. ”Not your style?” he asked offering it to her.

He then picked up another one, this time with a flashing charm made a face and tossed it over that Golden Snitch. Rummaging through a few more things, he went back and picked up that flashy hat (and snitch). He tossed a few coins to the merchant and wandered off. Nobody would notice the missing snitch in all hustle and bustle.

Text Cut: nicole black
Originally Posted by nicole black View Post
His arms were full. You name it, Maxie had grabbed it. From the very frivolous (Quidditch themed toilet tissue with tiny, flying bludgers) to fruity (cherries dipped in white gold chocolate and made to look like snitches) to very expensive (a leather bound copy of quidditch through the ages with annotations from Ginny Weasley) and finally, to practical (omnioculars).He was carrying so much he could hardly hold it all, and sure enough- he dropped something (a pen shaped like a beater's bat) right by the foot of a very pretty-curly haired witch.

"E-erm." Maxie began, shuffling his feet. Social Anxiety, it seemed, was much stronger than any love or excitement he'd been feeling. Red faced, Maxie tried to work up the courage to say something to the girl- just a quickexcuse me! so he could grab the little bat-pen and get out of here....

He slipped that solid gold snitch into a hidden inner pocket, then put that garish beanie on his head and continued to walk around a little.

A while later, he passed a guy who was overloaded with goodies. A hand reached out as the mark chatted with a young lady and snatched his Lominoculars as he walked past. He could get a few coins for these. Clearly the boy was too busy trying not to drop things and dealing with the crowd to miss them.

Text Cut: LilFox06
Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Hawke shook his head. "No. If they want anything they can pick it up for themselves." Basically his whole family was around. He only picked up things when he went somewhere without them.

He grinned. "Now we find food." he said starting to walk, letting his nose be his guide.

Jack tucked the Lominoculars into his belt whistling as he walked on down the stalls. He smiled to himself. Was there another stall he could find a goodie at? The golden snitch had been a great find. And then he passed by two youngins' wearing matching hats. Oh no….poor dude!! No! No no...That’s how girls get you. First it's matching hats, then it's his and her jewelry, followed by his and her brooms and finally his and her sinks.

Lightening quick - he pulled the flashing beanie off his head and exchanged it with the guy’s. He kept walking as if nothing happened. The guy would later thank him (well, at least in his head). Because there was no way he was going to find him again.

Matching hats were ridiculous; no matter how much you were in love.

Last edited by Jack Roller; 04-23-2019 at 04:43 PM.
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