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Old 04-18-2019, 02:37 PM
Thereos Thereos is offline
Default Thingamabob closet

Hidden from view by a particularly bulky crimson velvet drapery in the Divination classroom is an arched doorway that leads to a closet filled to the brim with odds and ends of divination supplies and items that seemingly have no place in a divination setting whatsoever. Though it is difficult to tell by the names. Whatisits, Dingles, and Thingamajigs are hardly descriptive words for the curious witch or wizard who may just so happen to stumble upon this space.

There are certainly more than twenty Thingamabobs in here, but no big deal. There is more than that stale tea leaf smell to tickle the senses here.

Don't mind the cockroach you may see scuttering about the floor, up the walls, along the shelves, or peeking around some of the jars. He means you no harms and would appreciate it if you did not break anything in his home.