Thread: Hospital Wing
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Old 12-04-2018, 12:00 PM
DaniDiNardo DaniDiNardo is offline
Default Hospital Wing

The cleanest room in the entire castle is, for more than obvious reasons, the hospital wing. Considering this is a magical school and accidents happen, it is not uncommon to see students and even staff being sent or brought here throughout the school year. Rest assured that no matter what mishap or injury you have, the school healer will have you fixed up and back to normal in no time ... depending on the severity, of course.

The primary feature of this decent-sized room are a series of standard issued beds. Accompanying each bed is a set of dividers, meant to give the person staying here privacy, and a wheeled table at the foot of it containing a jar of crystal clear water, glasses, and a vase of brightly coloured flowers. For those staying overnight, the bedside tables contain a set of sterile pyjamas and a pair of clean socks that are charmed to adjust and fit the wearer. Two steel chairs have been provided for visitors -- these are not the most comfortable as the patients here need plenty of rest in order to recover quickly. As per her job description, the healer rarely leaves the room when there are patients under her care and is always on call.

Alongside a storage room and a small clean bathroom for patient use, the healer has an office just off to one side of the main hospital wing where you can speak with her privately, either about medical concerns or in regards to the subject she teaches: Ancient Runes.

SPOILER!!: The Healer's Office

Your Healer (or professor, depending on what you are visiting her for) has a relatively simple office which continues the clean and sterile vibe that is found in the hospital wing proper. There are various mysterious looking instruments around the office, presumably each with some kind of medical or diagnostic purpose. The majority of the room is taken up with a large desk - a comfortable chair on one side for Healer Beryl and a smaller pair of chairs on the opposite side where students may sit. There is also a bookshelf and a small but comfortable couch where students may be directed to wait or sit for a more relaxed chat. There are a few photographs on one wall and a few pot plants here and there, but as far as offices go it is relatively simple and not at all cluttered. However, there is a corner of the office that has been set aside for Valetudo, Healer Carmine's raven. He doesn't live in this room, but he likes to hang out in here sometimes when she is in residence.

When Carmine is not teaching classes further up in the castle, she can usually be found here. When patients are in residence she keeps her door open.

OOC: Please do not play for the Healer. Carmine Beryl, played by Tegz, will be happy to help your character.