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Old 01-11-2019, 11:58 PM
MunchyBubbles MunchyBubbles is offline
Default Astronomy Lesson: Here comes the Sun

The shadows were lengthening as Kalen walked around the chairs he had set up in a semi circle in front of him, the sun was in its decline and soon the world would be darkened again, but there was still a few hours of sunlight left, enough time for the lesson the Astronomy Professor had set up down by the banks of the lake.

He nodded at his work and made sure the mild heating charms were in place before he took his place beside a small table that was his makeshift desk for the afternoon.

Despite the early October date, it was getting a bit chilly and the wind off the lake was brisk, but the charms should hold and he could increase them if was needed.

There were no food or drinks present at this lesson, even his own precious cup of tea wasn’t anywhere to be seen. There may have been new leadership, but Kalen wasn’t taking any chances.

He leaned against the table and checked his watch again. Students should be arriving at any moment.

OOC: Welcome to Astronomy class!. Just remember that even though this is the first Rp’d class this is not your first class with Professor Kennedy! Come on in, say Hi and feel free to have a seat and we will continue on in about 24 hours.. ish! Also please keep the chatting to a minimum! Class has started! All late comers will face IC consequences, so feel free to pretend like your Charrie was here all along.

Lesson Progession:
Greetings and First Question
Replies and Second Question
Main Activity