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Old 11-03-2018, 02:33 AM
Calvin Fletcher Calvin Fletcher is offline
Default Detention: Trinetta Gladin

Calvin cleared his schedule then made his way down to the dungeons for one of a series of detentions he would be hosting this week. It was amazing how much busier he'd become with discipline than actual matters of teaching but it needed to be done and with the poor excuses for Professors that still walked the castle, it became all the more important for him to assume the responsibility.

The Divination Professor stood outside the room to the detention cell, thinking this detention would be best served down in dungeon five. He checked his watch. There was still time before the Ravenclaw was considered late.

He leaned against the wall, looking down at the box he carried with him. It didn't bring him much pleasure having to get this nasty business sorted but rules were rules and if they weren't going to be followed then consequences would need to be handed out.

Tonight the dungeon corridor was empty save for himself. It had enough lighting but there was no need for too much. The dungeon would not be held out here. This was merely the first checkpoint.