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Old 09-23-2018, 06:00 PM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Slug and Jiggers Apothecary

Located on the north end of the street and beside Potage's Cauldron Shop, Slug and Jiggers Apothecary is conveniently there for all your potion-making needs. Whether your a first year just starting your brewing journey for school or someone who wants to stock up their collection of potions ingredients, this shop is right for you. Almost every ingredient can be found in here. And if you don’t see it, make sure to ask the shopkeeper. They will help you to the best of their ability.

For the most part the shop is almost as identical as it used to be. Multiples shelves lined with various item including jars of all shapes and sizes filled with ingredients of various natures and tools to make the process less likely to blow up in your face. And off to one side, several barrels that contain loose ingredients are on the floor beneath bundles of feathers, fangs and claws hang from the ceiling. There's also a beautiful leather-bound grimoire, predominately displayed, that contains recipes written by each of the previous shopkeepers to share with their customers. Be careful as you flip through it, though it is spell-protected after a nasty run in with an infestation of mutants escaped from the ministry.

The only thing that has change is the smell. Once you entered it doesn't smell as bad as it used to be. No rotten eggs smell anymore. You still have some subtle smell but it's not as unpleasant: a little trick of the new owner.

Text Cut: Inventory

Price List

Ingredients (5 oz. increments):
° Aconite: 1 galleon -------------------------------------------° Horned Slugs: 2 sickles
° Acromantula venom: 20 galleons (See Shopkeeper) -----° Horned toads: 2 sickles
° Armandillo bile: 5 sickles -----------------------------------° Jobberknoll feathers: 4 sickles
° Ashwinder’s Egg : 1 galleon --------------------------------° Knotgrass: 5 sickles
° Asphodel : 15 sickles ----------------------------------------° Lacewing flies: 2 sickles
° Belladonna : 4 sickles ---------------------------------------° Lavander: 4 sickles
° Bezoar : 2 galleons ------------------------------------------° Leeches: 2 sickles
° Bicorn horn : 1 galleon -------------------------------------° Lionfish spine: 5 sickles
° Billywig dried stings : 5 sickles ----------------------------° Lovage: 6 sickles
° Basic beetles : 1 sickle -------------------------------------° Monkshood: 4 sickles
° Black beetles : 2 sickles ------------------------------------° Murtlap essence: 4 sickles
° Boomslang skin [shredded] : 7 sickles --------------------° Nettles: 2 sickles
° Bubotuber : 12 sickles ---------------------------------------° Newt: 5 sickles
° Bundimun secretion : 5 sickles -----------------------------° Pomegranate: 2 sickles
° Cabbage: 5 sickles -------------------------------------------° Porcupine quills: 3 sickles
° Caterpillars : 3 sickles --------------------------------------° Puffer-Fish eyes: 3 sickles
° Daisy: 4 sickles -----------------------------------------------° Rat spleen: 1 sickle
° Doxy eggs: 5 sickles -----------------------------------------° Rat tail: 1 sickle
° Dragon blood: 3 galleons, 10 sickles ------------------------° Re’em blood: 2 galleons
° Dragon heart: upon request --------------------------------° Runespoor eggs: 1 galleon
° Dragon hide: 1 galleon, 10 sickles --------------------------° Salamander blood: 6 sickles
° Dragon horn: 1 galleon ---------------------------------------° Scurvy-Grass: 9 sickles
° Dragon liver: 2 galleons, 5 sickles --------------------------° Snake fang : 15 sickles
° Erumpent fluid: 3 galleons, 8 sickles -----------------------° Sneezewort: 9 sickles
° Erumpent horn: 1 galleon ------------------------------------° Scarab beetles: 7 sickles
° Erumpent tail: 1 galleon -------------------------------------° Sopophorous: 5 sickles
° Flubberworm mucus: 5 sickles ------------------------------° Tubeworms : 5 sickles
° Fluxweed: 12 sickles -----------------------------------------° Unicorn horn : 20 galleons (see ShopKeeper)
° Ginger: 4 sickles ----------------------------------------------° Unicorn tail hair : 12 galleons
° Glumbumble fluid : 4 sickles --------------------------------° Valerian: 7 sickles
° Graphorn horn : 4 sickles, 11 knuts -------------------------° Wormwood: 10 sickles
° Hellebore: 15 sickles

Premade Potions :
° Ageing Potion : 3 galleons, 4 sickles, 19 knuts
° Babbling Beverage : 3 galleons, 1 sickles, 20 knuts
° Beautifying Potion : 4 galleons, 3 sickles, 16 knuts
° Burn-healing paste : 2 galleons, 9 sickles, 3 knuts
° Cough Potion : 2 galleons, 3 sickles, 9 knuts
° Draught of Living Death : 4 galleons, 8 sickles, 2 knuts
° Euphoria: 3 galleons, 11 sickles, 8 knuts
° Felix Felicis: 14 galleons, 15 knuts
° Invigoration Draught: 3 galleons, 9 sickles, 16 knuts
° Memory Potions: 3 galleons, 1 sickles, 14 knuts
° Pepperup Potion: 2 galleons, 5 sickles, 21 knuts
° Quodpot solution: 2 galleons, 12 sickles, 3 knuts
° Skele-Gro: 3 galleons, 3 sickles, 2 knuts
° Sleeping Draught: 4 galleons, 11 knuts
° Wolfsbane potion: 3 galleons, 9 sickles

Equipment & Other Misc. Items:

° Pewter Cauldron : 12 galleons
° Copper Cauldron: 22 galleons
° Brass Cauldron: 18 galleons

**all standard cauldrons are size 2. Add 5 sickles for a size 3 or 8 sickles for a size 4**

° Moonstone : 6 sickles

° Brass scale : 3 galleons, 3 sickles
° Silver scale : 4 galleons, 5 sickles
° Gold scale : 6 galleons, 4 sickles

° Basic potion kit set: 3 galleons
° Advanced potion kit set: 4 galleons

° Set of glass phials: 1 galleons
° Set of crystals phials: 2 galleons
This shop is STAFFED by Gideon Gert (Holmesian Feline).