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Old 07-29-2015, 01:19 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Agatha was going all the way up to the owlery to check on her silly bird and wouldn't even have looked at the young boy sitting there underneath that horrendous tapestry of trolls dancing ballet. Honestly, what an ugly thing to look at.

She wouldn't have looked at the boy IF he didn't have that strange looking purple box with him. The both of them looked highly suspicious in Agatha's opinion, so she stopped and stared. Not too close, of course.

"What do you have in there?" She asked rather suspiciously as she raised one eyebrow.
He stared at the box as if hoping it would suddenly open for him and reveal what was inside. Shaking his head he looked around and still didn't see anyone. Well, no one would say anything if he just peeked right? No one was there to catch him just peeking, at least. So...

Chewing his lip he moved to open the box and jumped a foot falling back against the wall when he heard someone ask what he had in the box. "I don't know, it's not my box!" he said blinking in surprise. Nope he hadn't been about to open it. Of course not.

"It's just err sitting here. I was only going to peek" he admitted softly. "It looks all curious and stuff, like it's meant to be found."