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Old 07-20-2015, 01:45 PM
hpluvr037 hpluvr037 is offline
Default Arithmancy Lesson 2: Good Karma, Bad Karma

OOC: For the sake of timeline ease, let's say this lesson is occurring BEFORE all the acromantulas attacking the castle.

Spring had finally arrived in Scotland, and with it came warmer weather. Though it was currently raining outside, it was a warm rain, and if you looked carefully you could probably spot some denizens of Hogwarts out for a stroll in the light shower. Other than the extra lights Professor Tanner employed to combat the gloomy weather, there isn't much different about the room that would give a hint as to the day's activities. The abundance of cobwebs seen around the castle, however, is not as bad in this room, as Tiara arrived early to clean up as much as possible.

Professor Tanner, dressed in summery mustard-yellow robes, stands at the front of the room ready to greet her eager Arithmancers as they enter.