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Old 05-07-2013, 03:56 PM   #8 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Forest Troll
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Ohio
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kirsten Delbin
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mateo Theodore
Fifth Year

x11 x9
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

Minerva Wheatborn
Sixth Year
Model: Avril Lavigne

The Basics
Name: Minerva Wheatborn
Nickname(s): Minnie, Min, (evil puff to some claws)
Age: 16
D.O.B: 2nd December 2063
Heritage: Half Blood, raised Muggle
Relationship Status: Dating , Ethan McCarthy, Ravenclaw.
Wand: Oak wood, 12 1/4 inches, Phoenix Tail Feather, solid
Patronus: Beagle
Boggart: one of her biggest hidden fears....
Amortentia: Lilacs, cookies baking, Lillies
School: Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Hufflepuff
Year: Sixth Year
Favourite Subject(s): Transfiguration, Divinations, Charms
Least Favourite Subject(s): Astronomy, Ancient Runes
Hair: Blonde and straight, though she likes to change it often..
Height: 5’4
Weight: none of your business…


Name: Vicky Wheatborn (Blaze)
Heritage: Pureblood
Name: Martin Wheatborn
Heritage: Muggle.
Name: Jacob Wheatborn
About family: All died in plane crash Min’s second term

Grandparents that have custody:
Name: Howard and Jane Wheatborn
Heritage: Muggle.
Profession: retired

Pets: Fluffy the Pygmy Puff and partial owner of Elise the Cat

SPOILER!!: A little about me!

Minerva was raised as a muggle and had no clue she was a witch until she was ten. Her mother was a pureblood, but lived as a muggle after marrying her muggle father. She is originally from the United States, and had moved around to many places, due to her father being in the military. She learned to love books and work hard in classes at an early age from her mother who was a teacher in muggle schools. Once coming to Hogwarts, she found herself in the greatest house and meeting all kinds of people. Her second term had been her hardest, when her family was leaving London they were in a plane crash and none survived. Now living with her muggle grandparents in Tennessee, Minerva is happier then she has been in a long time. Now in her Sixth year she wants to help as much as she can, work hard in class, and can’t wait for Quidditch.

Mineva has a very bubbly personality, that is usually easily spotted by her big smile and her social ways. She is always wanting to meet new people and help out everyone, she has a problem of being nosey of thinking she can help fix everyone’s problems for them. She is very loyal to her friends and will not think twice to put herself in danger or in trouble if it means protecting one of them. She is a bit of a nerd and will be found with books and in pretty much every class.

Colour: Purple
Food: Chocolate and Pizza
Place: The Lake
Film: Shrek
Book: All books, is there a book not worth reading??
Song: Miss Independent
Animal: All animals, but if she has to pick a favorite Owls and puppies

Books, learning new things, meeting new people, Quidditch, spending time with Ethan, Reese Cups, Diet Coke, animals, being with her friends, and her muggle toys (Ipod, quad, phone, computer)

mean people, clowns, people in masks, and green beans

ooc: Hey all, I'm Alisha or Ali...I'm 31 and a teacher in Ohio, This is my sixth term RPing! If you need anything or just want to RP feel free to PM/VM me.

Last edited by Bazinga; 05-28-2013 at 10:12 PM. Reason: Forgot my OOC..
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